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Rotary rehabilitates 3 tanks in Wariyapola


Rotary Club of Colombo Mid Town together with Rotary Club of Wariyapola and with the support of Rotary Club of Falkoping in Sweden, recently rehabilitated and vested 3 village irrigation tanks.

Scope of work involved in this project included de silting of tanks, repairing sluice gates and reconstructing “Anicut” rehabilitating “Tank Bund”.

Farmers were trained in maintaining the irrigation tanks and made aware of the economical use of water in cultivation.

The three tanks are located in Karagaswewa,Kuda wewa, Tissawa Maha Wewa and Kudalugahamula Wewa  also known as Timbirigahamula Wewa.

The rehabilitation of irrigation tanks were funded through a “Global Grant” by Rotary Foundation. This project will directly benefit over 100 farmer families and ensure sufficient water supply to facilitate paddy cultivation in both seasons thereby improving the yield, benefitting the farmers economically.

Rotary Club of Colombo Mid Town greatly appreciates and acknowledges the support of Rotary Club of Wariyapola and Rotary Club of Falkoping which enabled the successful completion of this project.


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