𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙨 Latest Buzz Mallika Hemachandara Jewellers, a world of elegance at your fingertips

Mallika Hemachandara Jewellers, a world of elegance at your fingertips


Step into a world of luxury and elegance: browse the unique and modern designs offered by Mallika Hemachandara Jewellers (MHJ), the leader in the Sri Lankan jewellery market. We take great pridein our designs that are made especially for you. Visit our showrooms currently in operation at Horton Place Colombo 7, Nugegoda, Kandy City Center, Ja Ela (K Zone), Majestic City & Gampaha Ward City, where we ensure the highest health and safety measures to protect you.

However, if you wish for other options of connecting with us, we offer a plethora of ways to browse and order from our collection. A pioneer in the industry in everything, MHJ was the first to open its doors virtually in the jewellery sector to customers through digital platforms. Our online catalogue is comprehensive and showcases our designs separated by category to make browsing easy for you. Find what you need without a hassle, with our collection available at your fingertips. Visit our website at www.mallikahemachandra.com to shop for the widest range of products from pendants and ear studs to rings and bangles. Also, we wish to state that we have started delivery service of your purchase which you make online within specific geographic areas in and around Colombo & Kandy.

Alternatively, make your inquiries on any of our social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, to allow us to help you. Like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive updates. Additionally, we are also available on WhatsApp for inquiries, orders and reservations. You can reach us on 0706443603, 0706443604, and 0706443606, or call us on 0112688531.


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