𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙨 Latest Buzz Clogard Natural Salt: Dual Protection for cavities and gum problems, now with an improved mint flavour

Clogard Natural Salt: Dual Protection for cavities and gum problems, now with an improved mint flavour


A staggering 47% of children aged 12 in Sri Lanka are currently facing the overwhelming challenge of having gum problems (according to the National Oral Health Survey Sri Lanka – 2015/2016). But in the face of this disheartening statistic, Clogard Natural Salt has emerged as a beacon of hope, driven by an unwavering commitment to the future of Sri Lanka.

Clogard Natural Salt understands the gravity of the situation and is dedicated to providing a solution. Their toothpaste offers a unique dual-protection formula that addresses the root causes of gum problems and cavities. Natural Salt can treat painful gum infections, prevent ulcers, and maintain gum health, while the active fluoride not only prevents but also repairs cavities, this offers dual protection from gum problems and cavities.

Clogard Natural Salt was initially launched in August 2020 and has since captured the hearts and minds of many Sri Lankans.  The toothpaste proudly bears the prestigious SLS (Sri Lanka Standards) approval, a shining emblem of quality and effectiveness. Each ingredient in this masterpiece has been meticulously selected to deliver nothing but the best, reaffirming Clogard’s unshakable commitment to the nation’s oral well-being.

Rochelle Perera, Senior Brand Manager at Hemas Consumer Brands said, “Clogard Natural Salt isn’t just a toothpaste; it’s a promise for the future of Sri Lanka’s oral health. Clogard Natural Salt is crafted using a unique formula. Furthermore, Clogard Natural Salt is approved by SLS, maintaining the highest quality standard. Our rich heritage in the market makes us the ultimate choice for families across Sri Lanka.”

Clogard Natural Salt goes beyond being a mere remedy for gum disease; it’s an integral part of the daily regimen for Sri Lankans, contributing to their optimal oral hygiene and well-being.

For centuries, our ancestors have turned to the natural power of salt for oral care, and Clogard Natural Salt proudly carries this legacy forward. With home-grown ingredients and innovation, Clogard Natural Salt is the best choice for oral health in the nation.



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