𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙨 Latest Buzz Baby Cheramy Reiterates Safety with ‘Certified Safe for Baby’ and ‘Pediatrician Tested’ Products

Baby Cheramy Reiterates Safety with ‘Certified Safe for Baby’ and ‘Pediatrician Tested’ Products


Baby Cheramy, the leading baby care brand in Sri Lanka, has been trusted and loved by millions of Sri Lankan parents for decades. They have entrusted their babies’ health and wellbeing to the care of Baby Cheramy’s gentle products, which led it to become the leader in the baby care category. Based on the household survey conducted by Kantar Sri Lanka, Baby Cheramy is the No. 1 baby care brand in Sri Lanka and is also the market leader in the baby care category in during 2021 and 2022. The brand was also ranked by LMD as the ‘Most Loved Baby Care’ brand, which proves that the brand not only has the biggest market share but has also managed to capture the hearts of Sri Lankan parents. 

Since 2020, the brand has widened its scope with the ambition and bigger purpose of ‘Creating a safer world for our babies’ by striving to become the safest baby care brand in the country. As part of this objective, Baby Cheramy has further enhanced its safety standards and implemented an 8-step safety process, overseen by the Baby Cheramy Safety Institute, to ensure the safety of all its products. This includes identifying consumer needs and devising products to fulfill their needs and preferences. For example, for natural and herbal products, the respective ingredients are identified in collaboration with ayurvedic & Hela Veda experts; and for formulations and raw material souring, the Baby Cheramy Institute liaises with raw material and formulation experts; and for fragrances, the Institute collaborates with the world’s best fragrance houses. Lastly, to outline safety assessments, the Institute consults world-class Clinical Research establishments where the products are also put through international clinical studies to ensure that they are “Certified Safe for Baby” by an eminent panel of Pediatricians & Dermatologists.

The brand is committed to its promise of building a safer world for babies based on three pillars. The first pillar is to manufacture and deliver superior baby care products that are safe for babies. The second pillar is to set safety standards within the baby care industry in Sri Lanka. The third and final pillar is to educate and uplift the knowledge of new parents to construct a safer world for babies. Baby Cheramy achieves this by conducting a series of parental clinical programs across the island, titled “Daru Patiyata Surakshitha Lowak,” to spread awareness on inclusive parenting, early childhood development, and how to create a safer world for babies.

By striving to be the No. 1 Safest baby care brand, Baby Cheramy assures the safety of its products to parents, rather than merely stating that its products have been tested. The brand is proud to offer the ultimate baby care safe products while nurturing an eco-system that places baby safety first across all parameters. With clear and transparent high-quality standards and processes, parents can rest assured that their babies are safe and nurtured.


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